Aion : A-Dungeon Crawling We Will Go
When Aion was launched in 2009, the real focus seemed to be on the game's intriguing promise of PvPvE. But for my own time spent in the game, it seems that today the PvP takes a back seat to the dungeon crawling aspects. As mentioned briefly before, there are several new solo dungeons at different level sections that are specifically intended to help bridge the content gaps that players noticed before Balaurea. You might be saying to yourself, "Boring. Dungeons should be for groups!" But for what it's worth the solo dungeons are actually quite rich in content and loot for solo players and really do help keep you away from grinding repeatable quests to level up. For my own time spent in Aion, I really valued being able to log in and run these solo dungeons when I only had a little bit of time and didn't want to spend it all running around. Because one thing that hasn't changed in Aion is that most quests have an odd sense that you as a player must really want to spend half an hour running from point A to point B just to turn in a kill-quest. Flying doesn't help much, and I found myself wishing early on that the timer on flight was long gone.