Habbo Money Guide
How to make money on habbo for free?
So you want to make a living on habbo with cheap Habbo credits, but you can not buy Habbo Coins because you are too broke?
Well, I have created a guide on doing just that, making a living on habbo for free! I have done it myself and have a lot of money as it is, so this is what you do:
Step 1: Starting Out
There are 4 options for this. The order is on best option to choose. You can:
1. Get a job. 2. Play games. 3. Hold donation events. 4. Go around begging
Step2: Getting up the ladder
Once you have a nice bunch of furniture, now is the time to start investing it. There are 3 options for this, in the same best-to-worse order. You can: 1. Start up a furniture shop with COINS OR FURNI. 2. Hold games that are P2P. 3. Trade furniture for furniture.
Now you are getting some cash on habbo. You are investing it and now, you got enough furniture and coins for savings (just in case someone hacks or scams you!) Create a savings account for yourself in a special room, and let’s start generating more and more cash flow, or, coin flow!
Here are your new options. There are 4. Here they are:
1. Create a corporation or major furniture shop
2. Host Big games that are P2P
3. Become a partner with your boss in a business or corporation
4. Sell neat rooms