Some Options on Impale
We completely disagree with Dragonica Crone and all who agree with you on this impale nonsense. It will be proven in 25 mans going forward. Also, we believe you are yourself blind to the changes that have been made. You have not given vigilance a chance, nor seen how wonderful it can be on making transitions faster and smoother.
And no one needs impale for TPS. Raid buffed, our TPS is nonsensically high without it. We could see a reason to spec into it in the far flung future were a fight like Brutallus to arise when DPS gear has come to a point where they can pump astronomical DPS, but frankly, we doubt it.
The fact is, and this fact ought to be undeniable to anyone who has tanked any of the new content, the only time where threat is every an issue these days is on pickups and transitions. As such, Impale is only helpful when you crit on a SS. But if you crit on a SS, then threat will not be an issue anyway. And as such, it is a talent only useful to wank over recount with. The arms tree is less useful now than it was in BC.