The Trunk Sinks
Aion gold is very important in the game. Then the passage is in (- 9, -10) behind these trees. The trunk has a respawn 24:00 after its death. It has 1.000 pdv and to type little of the 20 as it can type of the 200 per turn. Thus it is necessary to be very tested to be able to beat it. It has very high neutral strengths and grounds. The map is very small and that only one adventurer can enter the combat. Hope you can have a good luck and good drop.
The token bworker + gift:
You are surely to ask, when you went to the fair to the troll, what were used the machine in form as bwork to the top of Map. And well we will answer you. This machine can transform you 1 token into equipment of the panoply bwork chief, but not import which token: The Bworker token. You can not have these tokens by finishing the keep bworker that may be very long and hard.