WOW GOLD players want to resolve what a hunter is supposed to do.
So why not throw some money at Blizzard and look like a cool Undead for Halloween.The high-quality latex World of Warcraft masks return, and are ready to order in time for your favorite Halloween party. New in 2009, you can make a splash with the deluxe draenei mask, or tell trick-or-treaters that they are not prepared as Illidan the Betrayer himself. Check out the full catalogue or visit a retailer near you.From the "Life imitating art" file comes this, The popular Tankard O' Terror from WoW's Brewfest event is now available for purchase. Where do hunters fit into the larger scope of things currently and where do we see them going from this point forward? We solved a lot of perennial hunter problems in Wrath of the Lich King, from the shot clipping problems of Steady Shot, to bringing Survival back to life, and making pet choice and training a lot more meaningful and hopefully enjoyable. Going forward we have several objectives we still want to accomplish. We want to make sure hunters in PvP are as good in Arenas as they are in Battlegrounds. We think their damage is sufficient, so we want to focus on their survival and crowd control. We want to make sure their PvE utility is as good as their dps (especially making traps live up to their potential for crowd control).WOW GOLD players want to resolve what a hunter is supposed to do in melee (Raptor Strike? Disengage?). We want to clean up some of the clunkiness that still exists around pet control (both the UI itself and what the pet does on the battlefield).